Welcome to Holy Cross Prep – Ignite the Spark

‘At Holy Cross Prep your daughter will develop her curiosity, discover a love of learning and aspire to be the very best she can be spiritually, academically and personally – we look forward to meeting her.’ Holy Cross Prep provides a warm, nurturing and stimulating environment for girls aged 3-11, welcoming all faiths and cultures. We offer two-form entry, with small class sizes to provide our pupils with the skills and knowledge they need to thrive and succeed in today’s modern world.

Holy Cross Prep is far more than a school; we are a compassionate, vibrant community, working together to inspire a true love of learning in our pupils. Our broad and dynamic curriculum is delivered by exceptional, dedicated teachers, ensuring that our high academic standards are upheld across every subject, as well as our many specialist subjects, which include sport, music, drama, computing, art and French. Our pupils are happy, curious individuals, encouraged to nurture their natural inquisitiveness and a healthy attitude towards learning.

Our state-of-the-art facilities are set in eight acres of beautiful, historic grounds located on a quiet road off Kingston Hill, with large open spaces for creative play, exploration and team sport. From our much-loved woodland walk and adventure playground, to our 3G floodlit sports pitches, pupils are actively encouraged to spend time enjoying the outside world.

We all agree that life is a journey. We recognise that the signposts for travelling along this journey of life are clearly visible even in early childhood. At Holy Cross we identify strengths and talents from the very start. The hallmark of a Holy Cross education is to open your daughter’s mind to all that is possible; to the limitless things they can achieve. For every child, there is a key – their own special key – that will unlock their future. Once found, they will thrive, flourish and therefore learn at school. But most of all, they will be happy and curious, and let us not forget that happiness and curiosity almost always go hand in hand.

Don’t just take our word for it; come and see. Come and stand quietly in our glorious grounds and just listen to the laughter of happy, thriving girls, to the chatter of inquisitive minds and see their joy in their lives. You will then begin to understand that here, at Holy Cross Prep, we ignite a spark; the spark that will shape the life.

Register your interest

We would love the opportunity to discuss your child’s future journey at Holy Cross Prep.

We look forward to hearing from you.

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Open Day

We are looking forward to holding our upcoming open day.
Please register interest by clicking below.

Our next Open Morning is Saturday 28th September 2024 alternatively please call to book a private tour


Register your interest

Little Sparks

Capturing the imagination of endlessly inquisitive learners, helping them to take the first small steps towards independence in a fun environment

Holy Cross Preparatory School for girls in Kingston has now launched its pre- school for girls. It is called ‘Little Sparks’ and is off to a start that suits its name! Let us tell you about what makes it special. At Holy Cross we see our life’s mission as igniting the spark that will change for the better the lives of all our girls – the spark that will become a flame that will define the arc of their lives. We say that a good beginning to the journey of life starts young. Now it can start even younger – at 3-4 years old. We are delighted to be doing this because so many of our parents have been requesting this for years!

The pre-school will benefit directly from our unrivalled grounds in the heart of Kingston, from our wonderful facilities, and from our permanent specialist teachers. Little Sparks is situated in The Lodge – a pretty building inside the school grounds next to the main school which has been purpose-renovated.

In their first year at Holy Cross, our ‘Little Sparks’ make giant leaps in their personal, social and physical development. Our pre-school captures the imagination of our endlessly inquisitive learners, helping them to take the first small steps towards independence. Little Sparks gives a learning experience tailored to each girl’s interests and pastoral needs, as well as to her budding academic path. Our highly experienced teaching team and energy-filled environment provides the right combination of nurture and challenge. Our pre-school pupils will gain confidence, perseverance and resilience, as well as a variety of valuable learning skills in a fun environment.

Our Reception

Our lively Pre-Prep Department comprises three year groups, each with two-form entry; our small class sizes (maximum of 22 pupils) provide the perfect learning environment, with an emphasis on building confidence, relationships and key skills. Each year, pre-prep pupils enjoy a wide range of new experiences, from performing on the stage during the Christmas nativity, to racing along the track during our annual Sports Day.

Children begin reception in the September following their fourth birthday. Our bright, colourful reception rooms incorporate specific areas for learning and play. Renovated in 2020, our outdoor classroom provides a stimulating open-air environment, complete with climbing frame, herb garden and mud kitchen – perfect for learning new skills.

Since 2013, our unique, tailored reception curriculum has been exempt from the ‘Early Years Foundation Stage’ framework (EYFS) – click here to learn more about this exemption. All reception pupils are paired with a year 6 ‘big girl’, who acts as a sister figure throughout their first year at Holy Cross Prep. You can enjoy a ‘day in the life of a reception pupil’ from the eyes of one of our youngest learners.

School Bus Service

Holy Cross Prep School operates a bus to school service in partnership with StudentSafe, a travel to school provider who operate minibuses and coaches to school. The service is available for children in reception to year 6. Currently the bus service operates from Wimbledon to Holy Cross Prep School, also stopping off at Rokeby School to drop off any siblings. We take great pride in our Home to School Transport service and are committed to providing a safe, reliable and efficient service to our students. We understand the importance of punctuality and ensure that our buses arrive at school in a timely manner, giving your child the best possible start to their day.


Click here to view the current route.

Virtual Tour

Please take time to view our video to get a glimpse into Holy Cross Prep School.


"Pupils display a positive and spirited attitude in all they do." ISI Report, May 2019
"The school has a very good environment, excellent facilities and it is run like a big family community. Academically it brings the best of each child. My daughter is over the moon with her new school and we are so happy that we can be part of the Holy Cross community." Reception Parent
"Pupils of all ages and abilities achieve exceptionally high levels of knowledge, skills and understanding." ISI Report, May 2019
"Pupils make excellent academic progress." ISI Report, May 2019
"Pupils develop excellent levels of self-confidence, self-esteem, self-discipline and resilience." ISI Report, May 2019

Pastoral Care

Pastoral care involves teaching and providing opportunities for pupils to grow in their self-esteem, confidence and independence of thought. This facilitates the development of their personal, social and emotional intelligence. Whilst building their resilience and perseverance, our pupils live out the ‘Holy Cross Way’ by showing kindness, patience and empathy towards others.

At Holy Cross Prep, pastoral care is about much more than just ‘being nice’ to people; it is about putting a child’s needs at the centre of our school’s operation. We are fully committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, and we recognise that all staff, governors and volunteers have a duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of all pupils at our school; the health, safety and wellbeing of every child in our care will always be of paramount concern. Everyone who comes into contact with children and their families and carers, has a full and active role to play in safeguarding, both online and in everyday life.

Contact Us

If you would like to book onto our next open day please contact our Admissions team.
We look forward to welcoming you at Holy Cross Prep.

For more information please visit our main website and socials below.

Main Website  Instagram  Facebook

Holy Cross Preparatory School

George Road
Kingston Upon Thames

Charity No: 1200167

020 8942 0729